SABIS® Network Careers

Today, the SABIS® Network has an active presence in the public and private sectors in 21 countries on five continents and prepares students for life and success in a rapidly changing world.

Backed by Excellence

All students in the SABIS® Network benefit from a 135-year tradition of excellence in education, a reputation that is rooted in a well-developed philosophy that seeks to make a university education accessible to almost all students, not just a select few.

Our success is measured in the value added to students, all of whom are admitted based on a non-selective admissions policy.
Our Philosophy
Our Core Purpose & Values

Students in SABIS® Network schools receive an education that is derived from a clear core purpose and a set of core values that helps them achieve their full potential.

SABIS® Core Purpose: To provide an outstanding education at a reasonable cost and help all students achieve their full potential through the implementation of the SABIS® Educational System.

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