Customer Success And Marketing Associate

وظيفة مسؤول تسويق الكترونى :


متطلبات الوظيفة:

  • مهارات اتصال كتابية وشفوية قوية.
  • شخصية استباقية وذات دافع ذاتي وقابلة للتكيف.
  • مهارات تحليلية قوية أو خبرة في تحليل البيانات لتفسير أداء الحملة.
  • القدرة على العمل على عدة مشاريع في وقت واحد والوفاء بالمواعيد النهائية والازدهار في بيئة سريعة الخطى.
  • مهارات جيدة في إدارة الوقت، بما في ذلك تحديد الأولويات والجدولة والتكيف.
  • مهارات كتابة قوية مع القدرة على صياغة منشورات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والبريد الإلكتروني والمدونات والمقالات الجذابة.
  • خبرة في عمليات تلبية الطلبات وإدارة قاعدة بيانات العملاء.
  • الألفة مع Shopify ومنتجات الاشتراك هي ميزة إضافية.
  • الاهتمام بالتاريخ هو ميزة إضافية، حيث يمكنه أن يوفر رؤى قيمة لصياغة محتوى مقنع والتفاعل مع الجمهور بطريقة ذات مغزى.
  • إتقان تطبيقات Microsoft Office (Word و Excel و PowerPoint) لاحتياجات التوثيق والعرض المختلفة.
  • خبرة في Google Docs و Google Sheets للعمل الجماعي وإدارة البيانات.
  • إتقان Shopify لإدارة عمليات التجارة الإلكترونية وقوائم المنتجات ومعالجة الطلبات هو ميزة إضافية.
  • خبرة في Outlook للتواصل الفعال بالبريد الإلكتروني والتنظيم.
  • إتقان Klaviyo أو منصات تسويق البريد الإلكتروني المماثلة لإنشاء وتنفيذ حملات البريد الإلكتروني والأتمتة وتتبع الأداء هو ميزة إضافية.
  • يفضل الخبرة في تحديد الشراكات وتأسيسها، بما في ذلك مهارات التفاوض وتنفيذ مبادرات التسويق التعاوني.
  • قابل للتكيف ومتعلم سريع، قادر على فهم المفاهيم والأدوات والعمليات الجديدة بسرعة لتلبية احتياجات الأعمال المتطورة.
  • القدرة على التعامل مع النقد البناء والتغذية الراجعة بموقف إيجابي، باستخدامها كفرصة للنمو والتطور.



التقديم بعد شرح الوظيفة



Job Description

Job Description:

We are currently looking for a versatile and proactive individual to join our team as a Customer Success and Marketing Associate. In this role, you will be responsible for providing exceptional customer support, managing order fulfillment, and maintaining accurate customer data. You will also play a vital role in creating and executing effective email and SMS marketing campaigns, conducting market research, managing partnerships, and producing engaging content. If you are a motivated self-starter with strong communication skills, attention to detail, and a genuine interest in sales, marketing, and process improvement, we welcome you to join our dynamic and fast-paced environment, where your contributions will significantly impact our success.


Job Requirements


Customer Support and Order Fulfillment:

● Answer customer inquiries promptly and efficiently, providing excellent customer support and ensuring customer satisfaction.

● Efficiently manage order fulfillment, including processing orders, tracking shipments, and resolving any issues that may arise.

● Manage and maintain the customer database, ensuring accuracy and data integrity.


Email and SMS Marketing:

● Create and implement engaging email and SMS campaigns using platforms like Klaviyo or similar tools.

● Develop and execute effective email and SMS marketing strategies, including automation workflows, list segmentation, and A/B testing.


Administrative Support and Market Research:

● Provide administrative support, including organizing market research, preparing reports, and interpreting data for actionable insights.

● Stay updated on marketing trends and identify opportunities for innovation and growth.

● Implement new tools, software, and platforms to enhance marketing effectiveness and streamline operations.


Partnership Management:

● Manage partnerships by identifying and sourcing new opportunities for collaboration.

● Connect with bloggers, writers, and influencers for partnership opportunities, leveraging their audience and expertise for mutual benefit.


Content Creation:

● Assist in content creation, including writing a persuasive and engaging copy, editing content, and creating visuals using graphic design and video editing tools.

● Research, write, and edit compelling and engaging blog posts and articles on relevant topics.


Social Media Management:

● Create and implement a comprehensive social media strategy, managing social media accounts across platforms, including content creation, scheduling, and engagement.


Qualifications and Requirements:

● Strong written and verbal communication skills for effective customer support, content creation, and social media management.

● Proactive, highly motivated, and adaptable, with the ability to work independently and under minimal supervision.

● Strong analytical skills or experience in data analysis to interpret campaign performance, generate actionable insights, and optimize marketing strategies.

● Ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously, meet deadlines, and thrive in a fast-paced environment.

● Good time management skills, including prioritization, scheduling, and adaptability.

● Strong copywriting skills with the ability to craft engaging social media posts, email content, blogs, and articles.

● Experience with order fulfillment processes and customer database management.

● Familiarity with Shopify and subscription products is a plus.

● Interest in history is a plus, as it can provide valuable insights for crafting compelling content and engaging with the audience in a meaningful way.

● Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) for various documentation and presentation needs.

● Experience with Google Docs and Google Sheets for collaborative work and data management.

● Proficiency in Shopify for managing e-commerce operations, product listings, and order processing is a plus.

● Experience with Outlook for effective email communication and organization.

● Proficiency in Klaviyo or similar email marketing platforms for creating and implementing email campaigns, automation, and performance tracking is a plus.

● Experience in identifying and establishing partnerships is preferred, including negotiation skills and executing collaborative marketing initiatives.

● Adaptable and fast learner, able to quickly grasp new concepts, tools, and processes to meet evolving business needs.

● Ability to handle constructive criticism and feedback with a positive attitude, using it as an opportunity for growth and improvement.



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